Saturday, August 7, 2010

Robonaut 2: First Robot in Space

Built to deal with situations in space which are too dangerous for astronauts, as well as too dull, Robonaut 2 is set to make history as the first robot in space.

The robot isn't a form of artificial intelligence, (although it reportedly has some built into it) and runs on preprogrammed commands. It also has mechanical limbs similar to arms so it can use the same tools astronauts use on the space station.

As you can see in the photo, the robot only has a head, torso and arms, but no legs.

The immediate goal is to find out how the robot can operate in microgravity situations and if it can actually be a help to astronauts as it was made for.

Robonaut 2 has been a hit on Twitter, although it has no ability to speak.

It is set for its maiden voyage on the November mission.

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